• What Our Clients Say

    Shaun Hay

    Head of Learning & Development

    In the few years that I have worked with Alex, I have found him to be not only a very talented individual, but one who is authentic in his speech & action, caring about people around him & very effective in facilitation skill. He put lots of thoughts/research into his work & took pride in making sure that his key deliverables are of high quality. I am also inspired by his genuine passion & humility to provide enough rooms & guidance to ensure that the team members grow & develop as competent & caring members of the team. In my opinion, Alex is a true leader in the making.

    Julian Lee

    VP Human Resources

    Being coached by Alex has been a great and valuable experience! His expertise in mentoring and empowering people to be able to deliver a presentation professionally, yet through an interesting approach, has increased my public speaking skills.

    What's interesting is that Alex is able to use many types of methodologies in delivering the materials, which created a positive and joyful atmosphere in the workshop. I would definitely recommend Alex when it comes to presenting and public speaking!

    Sam Chung

    Manufacturing Supervisor

    I attended a one-day workshop on “Individual Development Plan” facilitated by Alex. Alex is able to exercise his professionalism throughout the entire workshop and also very down to earth by sharing his past personal experience to co-relate to the topics. I am glad that this workshop comes at the right time to enable me to re-evaluate my goal setting. My team and I have picked up some systematic and useful techniques in his workshop as it has not only taught us how to create the individual development plan, as well as the effective way of approaching colleagues and superior for ‘Feedforward” inputs. I highly recommend him to any organisation who wish to help their employees to rediscover themselves.

    An Chi Chua

    Finance Manager

    Alex has been a committed and patient coach who places my developments and interests as the most important outcome in the journey. He matches the sessions to be in tandem to my pace and focuses on my development goals. He listens with an open mind and customises the sessions with various tools to make it more beneficial for me. At times when there are questions, he uses his wisdom to lead me to the answers instead of dictating them directly to me.


    Each time, he does not fail to remind me of the fundamentals to the topics of our discussion and is very willing to share different perspectives to challenge my thinking process. With his efforts, it has been easier for me to internalise the learning from the sessions. It has been a self discovery and fulfilling journey as i understand myself and my leadership skills better and consciously apply the learnings on how to be a better one in future. For being such a selfless coach who goes the extra mile, i am certain anyone can benefit from his motivating and engaging sessions and discover new capabilities about yourself.

    Adora W.

    EXSA Career Coach

    Alex is a dynamic and astute facilitator who injects creativity and originality in the training design and delivery. He has good acumen and insights on the organisation's unique training needs, and can effectively translate these knowledge into experiential pedagogy. He possess the right facilitation skills to engage the participants into thinking deeper and applying the newly learnt knowledge at the workplace.

    Vivien Chan

    Head, Credit Risk

    Alex is a very experienced facilitator and coach. Very engaging and brings with him good experiences and knowledge on many topics about building trust, building better teams. I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions he has conducted and organised. Highly recommended.

    Xiuming Hu

    Operations Planning

    The ONE healthcare leadership workshop facilitated by Alex andhis team in Jul 18 was well executed. Through a series ofengaging and innovative hands-on activities, I get to experienceand internalise the ONE message - Outward focus, Nurturingrelationships and Empowered working. Great to have been there!

    Win Nee Heah

    Retail Securities Business Leader

    I've just attended a team building training conducted by Alex himself. He was engaging and entertaining. The training programme was structured using latest technologies (Yes, we flew drones and he used live Google docs for participants to input our learnings!). The learnings derived from the activities can be easily related back to work as we were required to relate back the experience gained while attempting the challenges to our work settings and discuss. Alex had quickly gotten the whole team to know each other in a short timeframe even though we were all strangers at the start. Thanks for the great session to Alex and hope that he is able to continue making more impact to other companies!

    Chantel K

    Learning & Development Specialist

    Worked with LX on several learning projects and he has never failed to fascinate us with his reservoir of knowledge and enthralling experiential learning activities. LX is a rare professional who takes every opportunity to improve and strive to bring each session to a greater height. Quoting a learner, “LX makes every concept simple and relatable, I was able to apply it immediately.” Look forward to working with him on creating more intriguing learnings.

    Wai Yee Ng

    Regional Business Leader

    Alex is a passionate and genuine HRD coach/ business partner. Highly skilled in contents development and delivery; Alex is able to engage others effectively by drawing references from real-life case studies, and often encourages his audiences to reflect & practise for new learnings. It’s absolutely a pleasure working with Alex!

  • Our Clients

    As a leadership and training consultancy, Respectus is committed to present the best solutions to our clients. We seek to excel in every way possible to achieve the best desired results. We listen and we care for every individual and organisation that entrusts us with their needs for development.

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